I understand that:
The purpose of the nutrition support is to help me gain a better understanding of my nutrition and its role in health and performance.
The role of the nutritionist is to develop an appropriate health-supportive program for me.
The nutritionist does not prescribe a nutrition plan or supplement protocol, but shares a guideline approach to nutrition that research has suggested may support certain outcomes. It should not be considered prescriptive advice and results are not guaranteed.
The purpose of the nutritionist is not to diagnose or treat disease and is not a substitute for appropriate medical treatment.
The nutritionist will keep a record of our work together. These will be stored securely and no verbal or written information will be shared with a third party without my explicit consent. I have read and consent to the privacy policy at http://feedfuelperform.com/privacy-policy/
I agree to be honest in all information I provide.
I have read and understood the information above, and consent to the statements as written